Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter - This Is Our Celebration

When all the tumblers in a lock line up, it opens. The second we hear the "click" for the first time, there is a sense of "AHHA"...a relief, satisfaction, or maybe comfort. Easter is that "click" that makes all the sense in the world.

The tumblers all have names. Many are philosophical, some are practical - like "Dad, tell me again that I'll see mom in heaven" said the eleven year old boy at his mother's graveside.

The elderly, the sick, the guilty, and the tired should hear the joyful sound. Peter ran and told the other disciples.

Scientists, like Blaire Pascal, made a good point when he said "Which is the greater miracle - that two human cells would intelligently divide and multiply billions of times to a human being in the womb of one of them, or God would raise from the dead a man that has already lived"?

There is no doubt that some people have no faith and some have no desire for the lock. They will live their lives and be accountable for their decisions. 

Others can not find greater comfort than in the One who has been raised. Everything hangs on this one hinge. 

We are delighted! Hallelujah a million times from deep in side - He is risen!

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