Friday, April 17, 2009

The Empty Tomb is the Answer for my Empty Soul

In the Moffatt translation, Proverbs 25:2 reads, "Mystery is God's glory, but a king's glory is to search out secrets." The New King James Version reads, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter."

How much is unknown to man? Consider the last 4,000 years of human history; we can see how much has been discovered scientifically. Yet, how much is hidden? What we know may be much in the context of our more primitive past, but it is next to nothing - or worse, down right askew -- in light of God's reality.

The resurrection of Christ from the dead is one of those truths hidden from some and yet revealed to others. Christ, obviously, went only to select ones to reveal His resurrection from the dead. Others were left to "search it out" -- or not.

Enough was said and done. God "hiding" or "concealing" a matter is His business. The weights are in His bag. He decides when and to what extent a mystery is revealed. The Body of Christ, the doctrines of the believer's unsearchable riches, prayer, and the resurrection of the dead are a few of those mysteries. Unfortunately, people easily orient themselves at superficial levels. Food, sex, sleep, and empty friendships can hijack people from discovering what is hidden and yet revealed to the seeker. Christ promised, "If you seek, you shall find."

It is our honor to search and find. A vein of gold can be followed into a mountain; so also when we follow Him the passion surpasses the empty life. The empty tomb represents the concealed truth that can also be found if you seek Him. When we find Him, we find the meaning of life - and the honor of being human.

God loves you and cares.

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