Saturday, February 28, 2009

Information Is Not Matter; Spiders, Embryos, Ants and Information

In his book, "In the Beginning was Information", German scientist Werner Gitt clearly states that INFORMATION is a "fundamental entity on equal footing with matter and energy." He then raises the obvious questions. "What is information? How does information arise? What is the function of information? How is it encoded? How is it transmitted? What is the source of the information found in living organisms?"

Information is a defined value in the world of science. Matter and energy have been paramount over the years, but now information science has our interest. There is Intelligence that uses energy and matter to give the world order and then obvious design and purpose.

Someone gave me the book for Christmas and I have gleaned from it a few useful applications for sharing the faith. Though the book is beyond me with its scientific approach to the subject, I feel as if I found a treasure.

First, the vocabulary is useful. The word "information" is a scientific term usually not connected with religion or faith. Secondly, it is a "fact that information is required for the start of any controlled process, but the information itself is preceded by the True Source of all information." Hence, the title, In the Beginning Was Information.

The author uses the spider as an example of purposed definitive design by the Creator, the information sender. "The design and structure of a spider's web is very brilliant and a spider uses the available material very economically. The required rigidity and strength are acquired with a very minimal amount of material. The spiral threads do not merely cross the radial ones and the two sets are not attached at the points of intersection only, rather they run parallel over a small distance where they are tied together with very fine threads. It means if you put a very powerful electron microscope on a web, each intersection is seen to be joined with 'knots.' Every spider is a versatile genius. It plans its web like an architect and carries it out like the proficient weaver it is. It is also a chemist that can synthesize silk, employing a computer-controlled process, and then use the silk for spinning. The spider is so proficient that it seems to have completed courses in engineering, chemistry, architecture and information science. But we know this is not the case. Spiders don't go to school. So who instructed it? Where did it obtain the specialized knowledge? Who was its adviser? Most spiders are also active in recycling. They also eat their webs in the morning and then the material is chemically processed and then used for a new web."

The point of this is Romans 1:20. "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." What are the "invisible things of Him"? They are the information and the will to send the information. It is the Mind that is behind the spider and its ability. Imagine, in this very small creature there is such intelligence and capability.

The second example Dr. Gitt mentions is the human embryo. "During the first four weeks of the new life, the cells arrange themselves according to an amazing plan to shape the new human being. Around the 15th day, a dramatic new development occurs. The first blood vessels appear. A few days later another wonderful event takes place. Within the tiny breast of the embryo, two small blood vessels join to form the heart, which begins to pump blood into the tiny body. Before the end of the third week, the tiny heart provides the brain with oxygen. In the fourth month, the heart of the fetus already pumps 30 liters of blood per day and at birth this volume will be 350 liters. In the embryonic stage, the body after two months is only 2-3 centimeters long. It is so small that it could literally fit into a walnut shell. But even at this stage all organs are already present. During the following months, they will all increase in size and assume their following shape." Notice something: In these two cells that come together to make the 46 chromosomes that make up a human being, there is a transfer of information.

Where does the information come from for this process? The scientists say that it is packed in our DNA. There is so much information packed in the human DNA that it is beyond comprehension. This is amazing.

The third example used in the book is the ant. Dr. Gitt writes, "Today all the telephone numbers of a city can be saved on one microchip and their speed of operation is so fast that the Bible could be read 200 times in one second. That is how fast this information can be transferred. There is one thing that all the chips in the world can never be able to do; namely, copy an ant and all it can do. We have studied the chemical processes, physical processes, we know about the energy and the matter, but the thing that we are fascinated with is the mind that is behind it."

If someone said the universe is an accident, then it contradicts the whole nature of science. When a scientist thinks only in terms of unbelief in the Giver of Information then he so aptly expresses the verse Romans 1:22. "Professing themselves to be wise they became fools...." The word "fool" is offensive in English. In Greek MORAINO used in the passive sense means that they have been made foolish. Their system of thinking has resulted in wrong conclusions that would be embarrassing if they were aware of it. Sometimes they are aware. We pity the unbeliever who gets so close to confessing God in his science but can not do so for personal reasons. 

Notice the verse Psalm 14:1 - "The fool hath said in his heart, 'No God'." He has embraced his unbelief in his heart, not solely objectively and intellectually in his mind, but subjectively in his heart. 

Science is telling us that behind the matter and the energy, there has to be information and information is neither physical nor material. Information is of another nature. It is of a different dimension. Information is from a Mind and that Mind has decided to send the information. God is the Sender, He did it and He is talking to us all the time every day.

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