Friday, January 30, 2009

Jesus and Sports Stars - TREND or REALITY?

For more than 2,000 years, there has been a clear testimony of the reality of Christ in life. The unbeliever being suspicious and, in some cases, just dead set against the faith suggests TREND.

We see and hear differently. Kurt Warner, the Arizona Cardinals' quarterback, doesn't back off. "Everything I do and everywhere I go, I'm trying to represent Jesus."

"My faith helps me in everything," Warner says. "The biggest thing about my faith is it helps keep everything in perspective. You understand the highs and lows. You understand what's going on." 

Other professional football notables who speak boldly and confidently about Christ are the evidence of REALITY. If Jesus Christ gives us peace, love, joy, wisdom, and some depth of character and thought, then let us rejoice deeply in Him. 

Just a few weeks ago, we saw Tim Tebow, the son of missionary parents, show his super athletic ability and godly drive in quarterbacking Florida to college football's national championship with "John 3:16" etched in black and white on his face.

David Tyree, the N.Y. Giants' receiver, is interviewed on Grace Hour about his remarkable, game-changing Super Bowl catch. The Ravens' Matt Stover points to the heavens after every field goal kick and publicly confesses Christ. Colts' Coach Tony Dungy has written a moving book about the suicide of his son pointing to Christ as the answer.

I am convinced that all of this easily could not happen. The media is not excited about such testimonies. Reality has a way of looking at people in the face. May we recognize God's work and rejoice deeply in it. 

Thank you, Lord! It is REAL!

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