Friday, August 20, 2010

God Is Standing Before You

Reading the biographies of great men of God reveals their unreserved commitment to God, i.e., their personal life decisions of huge magnitude. Life is usually dealing with the trade off between what it costs and the benefits. Marriage, friendships, education, joining the military, and, of course, church life, can be seen as simply what I offer and then what I receive. God is different. He has made an offer that operates in another economy. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5,6).

What we "offer" God really is not needed by Him. "If I were hungry I would not tell you: for the world is mine and the fulness thereof" - He says, tongue in cheek in Psalm 50:12 . He is saying - do you have anything that I really need? No.

In life, marriage, business, and friendships are usually tradeoffs. If we happen to get a "real deal" it gives us pleasure - an extra week of vacation or pay, or a savings on a purchase, or a friendship restored. Forgiveness and grace are great words for people who see life as "payment for services rendered."

It seems, however, that there is a mystery in Christ that many people have not discovered. No tradeoffs, but simply a decision of unilateral, unconditional trust. We do not know where our trust will bring us; therefore, it is a huge decision of the heart. The heart does not naturally and automatically go to this place. The Holy Spirit leads our hearts to the place of selfless trust. We make NO DEAL with God - He is too big for such small thinking. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor my ways, your ways" (Isaiah 55:8).

We cannot leverage Him. We cannot focus our benefits as part of the return. This economy is of another nature. We enjoy the freshness of the ONLY WISE GOD who loves us and leads us to know Him. There are people that know church, know the Bible, know the Ten Commandments, and have a general understanding of love and righteousness -- but how many KNOW Him? They know the church creeds of their denominations and pray in the morning; but have they discovered the joy of a huge heart decision of trust? Why would the God of the universe cheat us of our real meaning in life? Why wouldn't there be another dimension - one that calls for "heart searching" that goes to our bones?

Can I trust Him for my life? Do I believe He is bigger than my smallness? Did He give us His treasured, most precious Son because He yearns for my heart?

People have discovered the treasures of Christ and it has resulted in deep love, deep thought, and big decisions. God is near all of us. He longs for our increase in another economy - a lasting one of infinite magnitude and value. Do not cheat yourself "bean counter' in the small cubical of your world of right and wrong. "God let me down, He never showed up when I needed Him," one could say. Small man, we understand and also pity you. You are cheating yourself. God is standing before you.

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