Friday, July 30, 2010

His Great Desire For Us

It is a marvel that God has invited us into a relationship with Himself. This is evident by those stunning words said to Jacob by the "All-knowing God." "What's your name?" God said to Jacob as they wrestled. God does not know the name of the man wrestling with Him? I don't think so. "Let me go" was said, and this also by the Almighty God. God could not break his hold? I don't think so. Is this any different from a dad wrestling with his 11-year-old and feigning weakness and ignorance? Why do dads do this? They are looking for a meaningful relationship with their children. Is there much of a relationship with somebody who knows everything? Is my strength needed to compliment His plan? 

Our "persona" wakes up when we can contribute, when we are needed. Love has two sides, it gives and it receives. When Christ wrestled with Jacob, He said - "Let me go" - in effect saying to him and to each of us, "You have real power and influence with Me. "I do? Yes, I do! I feel it, my life counts, I can make a difference. Have you felt that in prayer, in decision-making, in faith, in love?

When Christ said, "What is your name," perhaps He was searching for the correct name, for Jacob had previously impersonated Esau. He said "I am Esau," twice lying to his father Isaac (Genesis 27:19-24). Jesus brought Jacob to higher ground, changing his name to Israel for he now had power with God and men (Genesis 32:27-28). 

A new identity from a wrestling match with God is nothing less than incredible. Our hunger for God does this to us. The Almighty, All-knowing God wants us to engage Him. He invites us and waits for our engagement. "I will not let you go" is coming from our desperate desire to live a meaningful life. He responds - we tackle Him and sense the greatness of His desire for us.

Thank you Lord!

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