Friday, June 13, 2008

Men of God

On June 3, Pastor Carl Stevens passed into the presence of the Lord. Leaving his body, he now sees more clearly what he believed and preached; he must be full of joy.

We also experience that joy. Wednesday, in our service following the news of his passing, we could sense in his congregation the deep joy of knowing and believing these Biblical truths and how they relate to Pastor. We could breathe the victory.

God's leadership always points us to Christ. God is Everlasting Life, a Rock higher than ourselves, a Provision that is always there.

The testimony of Pastor's unique and able ministry, his many gifts, and personal care is seen in what remains.

J. Oswald Sanders wrote in Spiritual Leadership, "When a movement develops around a dominant personality, the real test of the quality of his leadership is the manner in which that work survives the crises of his removal." 

Christ-centered people who love their Bibles, love each other, and care to reach lost people, both at home and abroad, represent good fruit. 

Controversy is also part of the package. How could a man of God, as defined in the Scriptures as imperfect and also opposed by evil, not find himself sooner or later in controversy? Men of God, sometimes because of themselves, sometimes because of evil, and sometimes because of both, are in trouble.

In this human landscape, we find ourselves fascinated by real men of God. Are not the full biographies of Abraham, Noah, Samson, and David there for our learning? The fact that God puts His hand on these servants for His purposes and according to His own terms is incredible. 

What we love, in these Biblical and present day biographies, is that at the end of the day we see people who believed in God. We also see clearly God's work of grace. What did God see in their hearts? We should be careful regarding His work for God sees not as man sees (I Samuel 16:7).

As Oswald Sanders states, "Only after his removal are the characters and achievements of a leader fully revealed." Judging by the nature of God's people who have benefited from the personal ministry and teaching of Pastor Stevens, we see God's good hand, faithfulness, and abundance of grace through Christ Jesus.

It is worth repeating: God started a work where the Word of God was flowing and revealing God's life to us through the ministry of Pastor Stevens. By God's great grace, and through the testimony of His faithful people, this work continues.

Glory to God!

Pastor Schaller

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