Balaam, a typical false prophet, ran to error. He could not stop himself. He had passion, desire, ideas -- a whole constitution that he could not change. Even an animal speaking with a human voice could not turn his determined mind and lusty passion.
I get the same feeling about the world we are now living in. Too many people are excited with glee over the fast-paced technology, evolving global politics and hope of solving potentially devastating world problems. (Nuclear proliferation, world hunger, climatic change, etc.) "We are the people!" could be a mantra that means we believe in ourselves. Balaam's foot was crushed against the wall and even a "humanly speaking donkey" could not separate Balaam from what he belonged to.
There is another group, however, that has attained another "Belonging." It is totally different.
Here's a short list to describe who we are: Believers, Acts 5:14. Children, 1 John 3:10. Disciples, Matthew 10:1. Saints, Acts 9:13. Servants, Acts 4:29. Faithful, Acts 16:15. Brethren, Acts 9:30. Friends, John 15:14. Beloved, Colossians 3:12. Heirs, Romans 8:17. His Own, John 13:1.
We see the world differently. We belong to God. Consider three points about this belonging:
1. The world is moving strongly and decisively in one direction, but we move in another. We are the children of the day not of the night. We know more or less what is going on and enjoy the insight. "Fear not little flock. It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). We are not to be ignorant, nor caught off guard. We are instructed. Our Heavenly Father cares for us. He has given us the Word, the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ.
2. We are pessimistic about the nature of the world system, but optimistic about its purpose in preparing a bride for Christ. The Psalms are more a "Diary of Struggles" revealing God's care and hoped for provisions. We are not afraid of trouble. It is made for us. We are different.
3. We belong to a "Great Nation." David transcended his own life, his trouble, desires, ambitions, and pain by being blended with the big picture. Who did he belong to? Who did he look to? Who was his family? Was life really wrapped up in the nation? Yes! Was the nation poised for world evangelism? Yes!
Ours is a holy nation, a special treasured people, a royal priesthood with designated privileges.
We have the great commission. We are sent. We have sisters and brothers worldwide. We are part of the unique Voice that sounds like the voice of many waters (Revelation 19:6).
We do not belong to a driven ambition that can not be curbed. We have been translated into the Kingdom of God's dear Son (Colossians 1:12). We are different because of who we belong to. We are led tenderly by our loving, caring Heavenly Father who gave us His Son!
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