Can you imagine how often the following conversation could have occurred between Adam and Eve after they were driven out of the garden?
Eve: "Adam." She says accusingly. "Why did you eat the fruit? You knew it was forbidden."
Adam: "You gave it to me!"
Eve: "You should have known better and been the 'real man' of this family. You know I trust you for right decisions."
Adam: "You are supposed to be my helpmate - not lead me into temptation. You are to HELP me."
In their long lives (930 years), can you imagine this conversation popping up every once in a while? Like on a family vacation; or, on a Friday night out to dinner. "Eve, could we get past this once and for all?"
Often, people cannot get past themselves because they have no way to do so. Their thinking does not allow them to do so. So they quench the Holy Spirit.
Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the third person of the Trinity sent by the Father to reveal to us the Son of God. He is described in Scripture as operating in us the following ways:
1. Teaching us (John 14:17, 16:13)
2. Filling us (Eph. 5:18,19)
3. Leading us (Rom. 8:15, Col. 3:16)
4. Interceding (Rom. 8:27)
5. Gifting us (1 Cor. 12:7,11)
6. Comforting us (John 14:17)
7. Baptizing us in the body (1 Cor. 12:13)
Essentially, the people that attend Holy Spirit-filled assemblies and are taught the Bible with personal application learn to think with God. We learn to "digest" life through God's heart and mind.
It is possible that Adam and Eve, after the fall, learned to relate to each other and what had happened to them through another context. The conversation through their lives could have gone like this:
Eve: "Adam, do you remember life before we sinned?"
Adam: "Yes, Eve."
Eve: "What do you think God is doing, Adam?"
Adam: "I think He is teaching us forgiveness and grace. Our sin has actually opened up to us a deeper knowledge of God's grace and love. He loves us, Eve. He loves us."
Eve: "What about our future, Adam? We buried our son, Abel. I have never seen a dead human being before."
Adam: "Yes, Eve. But God did not make us to die, but to live. He told us if we eat of the tree we will die. We have seen that. But we also understand forgiveness and the Holy Spirit leading us with Truth. I am deeply encouraged, Eve. I sense it in my heart. We will see Abel again, Eve. We will see him. I know it. Remember the blood sacrifice, Eve? It is critically important. I know it."
There is a definite line of thought, coupled with words that reveal God to us. We must be careful to reflect on the nature of God and minister that nature to ourselves and each other.
God has revealed Himself to us through Bible doctrine. It is this understanding that really changes our lives. We then walk in the Spirit and rejoice deeply in our hearts that we know God. Wow!
Pastor Schaller
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