Friday, July 31, 2009

Worship: The Very Heart of Our Calling

The following article contains excerpts from a message preached at GGWO on July 12, 2009.

Scripture Readings: Romans 8:5-7, Joshua 5:13-15, Psalm 95:8-11.

My sister's friend had a pet raccoon. Someone commented that a raccoon can never really be tamed. It will always remain a wild animal. When the raccoon was three years old, it climbed on top of a dog's head and tried to drown it. That's like our carnal nature. You cannot trust it or tame it. It will not obey your commands. The carnal nature would like to lead us to believe that we are all friendly, responsible, and trustworthy human beings. The civilized world is based upon that fallen nature. But God speaks the truth to us that our natures are in "enmity against God." 

Joshua was the leader of an army without weapons, coming to take the land by faith. Christ appeared to him, but he didn't know it was the Lord. Joshua asked, "Are you for us, or are you for our adversaries?" He was occupied with their purpose. The Lord answered, "No. I'm the Commander of the Lord's hosts." Then Joshua fell down and worshiped. As with Joshua, our own life is our reference. There are many things in our lives - finances, family, sickness, heartaches. When we meet the Lord, He asks us to go to a different reference. Joshua's shoes speak of that part of our life that is in contact with the world. Taking the shoes off is an attitude. It's making a calculation. I calculate, "This is God who is speaking to me!" That becomes my new reference. In worship our reference is no longer our purpose. It's no longer, "Are You for me or against me?" We go to a higher ground and we reckon on God. We think about Who He is - His attributes, His nature, His love, His immensity. He is no small God! 

We carry a lot of baggage in our lives, but we weren't made for that. "Put off the old man." At the cross the old man has been crucified. We don't have to train it. We come into the house of God and we are ready to hear (Eccl.5:2). Joshua said, "What do You have to say to Your servant?" The Lord's answer wasn't, "Sharpen your weapon" or "Sit down and explain to Me all your problems." It was, "Loose your shoes from off your feet; for the place on which you stand is holy." When we take our shoes off, we are willing to say, "You are holy and now that holiness is here, and I am here. I recognize You."

We should confess our sin, and not live presumptuously. Arrogance comes with familiarity and apathy. That's what happened to Adam. God asked him, "Who told you that you were naked?" Adam answered, "The woman You gave me - she gave me the fruit and I ate it." He was saying, "It wasn't my fault." His feet were walking strongly in his own shoes, in his own reference. When he pointed at the woman, he was pointing at God. A carnal person will "mind the things of the flesh." A carnal mind has reference to carnal things. It's the "raccoon life" - living in civility, but not deeply knowing God. In Hosea 8:2, Israel cried out, "My God, we know You!" That's what it's all about. When worship is a regular part of our life, the Spirit is showing us God. But when there's not the peace, quietness, confidence, love, and wisdom in me, who is suffering? I am. Something is missing. I have my shoes on. There is no holy ground. It's my ground, my life, and my world. 

The Lord says, "Come to Me and learn of Me. You're on holy ground now. The dimen-sions of your life are now changed. You'll forgive the person who has hurt you, and you'll be free. I'll bring you into a 'large room,' and make you to lie down in wide-open pastures." Hosea 4:16 describes the "backsliding heifer," a cow that has slid back into a narrow place and become stuck there. But the verse goes on to say, "The Lord will feed [His people] as a lamb in a large place." 

Joshua discovered that place, but there was a price. I have to drop things that may be important to me. I have to come with an attitude of thanksgiving. Worship is "worth-ship." It's all about His value. The "raccoon" doesn't know the value of God. Joshua understood that God was with him. He had peace, as he was about to go into military conflict. He was on holy ground. Worship makes the difference between one believer and another. God delights in our worship, in our songs, in our attitude, in our spirit. We are hearers, living in an attitude of thanksgiving. You may never solve your problems, but you can always come and worship the Lord on this holy ground. "Come, let us sing unto the Lord. Let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation." He's a great God! I say to Him, "Lord, forgive me that I have reduced You to something so small." In your kitchen just drop down on the floor, and worship Him. Have that as the attitude and spirit in your life. Then we come to the assembly and this Book is opened. We find the marvelous mysteries of Christ revealed.

All week long there's another world that's saying something else, presenting its lie. God says, "Harden not your hearts." He's saying that it is possible for us to become hardened. I've seen that happen. People carry a grudge. There's no worship, no power, and no freedom. Don't allow it to happen to you. Can you stop and take your shoes off? Can you come before God? Can you recognize that God is the God of history, and knows all the details? Can you see that God wants to speak to you, and that His Word will go into your heart, and you will become a worshiper of God - even in the midst of trouble? Learn to sing, meditate, be thankful, walk by faith, and pray. Worship has to be the basis of our life. 

If we're grumpy, judgmental, angry, holding grudges, then we'll lie down in that place. Things will not get better. But if we confess our sin, it is gone. If we go to the cross, we are free. If we surrender, we are liberated. If we die, we will live. Become worshippers in your home, in your meditations, in your attitudes, in reference to everything. Worship will become a covering for you. Worship is at the very heart of our calling. The angels do it day and night in Heaven. Worship is an occupation with the worthiness of God - the immense, infinite, awesome God who created the heavens and the earth!

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