Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Godly Leadership

One man prayed, "Oh God, why would you choose me to be a pastor - there are so many other capable men?" God's answer seemed to be AMEN, there are many other "better" than you, but they're not listening. One leader said "A good leader is not the person who does things right, but finds the right things to do."

Men who have discerned the secret of communion with God in God's thoughts are men who have something to give beyond themselves. They speak from Him and not themselves. He is the issue. As John the Baptist said, "I must decrease, but He must increase." What are you pointing to? Your inability of God's ability? Your opinion or God's truth?

Good leaders in the world inspire men to have confidence in them, a great leader in Christ inspires confidence in God. When people trust God on the basis of God's truth, then they gain confidence in life. Although potential leaders are born, spiritual leaders must be born again.

Spiritual leaders must be made through the cross. Spiritual leadership is not natural; it comes through a full persuasion that what God has said is true whether others believe it or not. The cross was a lonely place for Christ, so also will it be for God's leaders. Are you looking for your advantage or for God's glory? God has a way of passing the good men in order to use the broken men. David was the least obvious choice. Perhaps, among us today in the midst of the good and the talented, God has His hand on somebody very special. Is it you?

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