Monday, November 24, 2014

Be a Witness

In Ecclesiastes, we have the writings of a wise man, Solomon, the king of Israel who also is called the preacher. He was greater than all kings that came before him. Yet, he found life to be empty and without purpose. He was searching for fulfillment. He describes this sense of purposelessness.
Without direction and without understanding, I could make a living but wonder why am I living? I can collect money, have a girlfriend, have a family. But the question remains - why am I living? I am alive to be a witness for Him.

God Himself gives us His life. The Son was sent to live in this world with a testimony and a witness in a dark world. Then, His Spirit was sent in Acts 2. The disciples spoke with authority and power for the Spirit had power over the tongue. They shared the Gospel in languages they didn’t know. Peter stood up and witnessed to the reality of the Resurrection and  3,000 believed.This happened not by personality, human persuasion, or argument and debate but by the presence of God. The visitation of God was there in the witness. It is a witness born of God's grace, and it is for the church today. We talk to people with the wisdom God has given us, not a purposeless knowledge that puffs up our self life. We have the witness of Christ - it is real and powerful and

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